TEEN SABBATH” IS TAKING PLACE TODAY at 11:00 am in the Youth Room. If you are between the ages of 12-17, join us for fellowship followed by a potluck and fun afternoon activities at the church. The next “Teen Sabbath” will be held on Sabbath, December 7. We will have a Christmas party, exchange gifts, and decorate gingerbread houses. Please bring a pair of new socks to donate to charity.

DON’T FORGET TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR tonight. Enjoy your extra hour of sleep!

MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER REQUESTS (FIRST READING) have been made by the following individuals wishing to transfer their membership to our Church: Josh and Alina Baltazar from the Pioneer Memorial SDA Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan.

KELLY HESTER’S SABBATH SCHOOL CLASS began a new book last week titled “Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith” by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg. This class discusses one chapter each week, fostering conversations in an encouraging atmosphere.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING THE VOCAL ENSEMBLE for our Christmas Sabbath service, please contact our Music Director, Ritchie Carbajal, at (760) 580-5878 or speak with him after today’s service. Rehearsal dates: November 9 & 16, December 7 & 14.

CELEBRATION OF MERGER. On Sabbath, November 23, our worship service will celebrate our recent merger with the San Diego Adventist Chinese Fellowship. Everyone is invited to a potluck dinner in the Fellowship Hall following the worship service.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS interested in helping at the breakfast bar on either the second or fifth Sabbath of each month. The 2nd Sabbath team is looking for a volunteer to contribute fruit and help serve each month. We currently do not have a consistent team for the occasional 5th Sabbath. Sign-ups are in our foyer.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TITHES AND OFFERINGS, you may do so in person by dropping your offering into the collection plate at the exit doors or online via our church website.