OUR BELOVED FRIEND, JANICE MCMILLAN, passed away last Sunday after fighting cancer valiantly to the very end. Janice was a wonderful woman and a terrific wife, mother, grandmother. She loved her church family dearly. Please keep Janice’s children Teresa, Kathleen, and Michael, and the rest of her family in your prayers during this extremely difficult time.

WE HAVE A NEW WEBSITE FOR LIVESTREAMING our worship services. If you would like to watch past or future worship services, please visit https://vimeo.com.tsdachurch or click “video” on the front page of our church website.

THE NEXT “TEEN SABBATH” IS TAKING PLACE next Sabbath, January 4, at 11:00 am in the Youth Room. The group will focus on setting goals for the future before enjoying lunch and games on the lawn. All teens ages 12-17 are welcome!

RITCHIE CARBAJAL HAS FIVE WEEKLY bible study groups on Zoom. All are invited! Here are the two most popular: Fridays at 7:00 pm Zoom ID: 992871179, Passcode: bible, and Saturdays at 5:00 pm Zoom ID: 848 3040 2207, Passcode: LoveGod.

TODAY IS YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY to make an in-person tax-deductible church donation for 2024. Tuesday, December 31, is the last day for e-giving donations. You may contribute tithes and offerings in person by dropping your offering into the collection plate at the exit doors or online via our church website.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE Pastor Gary’s weekly emails, please email [email protected].

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS to greet, give the opening prayer, and give children’s story each Sabbath in 2025. If you would like to give back to our church in this way, we invite you to sign up in the foyer. No rotating commitment is required. A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who signed up in 2024!