TODAY WE WELCOME the San Diego Academy Junior High Choir, under the direction of Rhonda Goso, to our church. Thank you for filling our sanctuary with music this morning!
YOU ARE WELCOME TO TAKE HOME a poinsettia today after the worship service. Please limit to one poinsettia per family.
WE HAVE JUST BEGUN A NEW SERMON SERIES on the philosophy of the TSDA Church. We hope you enjoy this series.
OUR SWEET FRIEND AND CHURCH MEMBER, Carol Fredricksen, passed away on January 1, surrounded by her family. Carol’s positive outlook and supportive role will be sorely missed at our church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Milton Fredricksen, last April. A memorial service for both Milt and Carol will be held in our sanctuary on Sunday, February 16, at 11:00 am.
THE MEMORIAL SERVICE and burial committal for Janice McMillan will be held on Wednesday, January 22, at Montecito Memorial Park & Mortuary in Loma Linda. The memorial service will begin at 10:00 am in the Cypress Chapel and the burial committal will follow. A reception will be held at the Mortuary from 12:00-2:00 pm. All are invited to come honor and celebrate Janice’s life.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT to those affected by the California fires, visit and select the “California Fires” fund (offering code 78102) or write “California Fires” on your tithe envelope.
WE EXPECT THE CHURCH CONFERENCE to have your 2024 tax-deductible contribution receipts available at the end of January or early February. We will notify you when they have arrived.
OUR CHURCH WHALE WATCHING EXCURSION has been rescheduled by Hornblower from January 19 to February 2 due to the warm ocean water and lack of whales coming south at this time.
THE NEXT MEETING OF THE TSDA CHURCH BOARD will be held tomorrow, January 12, at 4:00 pm in the Church Board Room.