WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A SERMON SERIES titled Jesus: Israel’s Teacher. As Christians, our marching orders come from Jesus of Nazareth. He is the interpreter of scripture, and our worldview should come from Him. Mentally and spiritually, He is the healthiest person in the Bible; therefore, He is the model for “spiritual” Israel. We hope you are enjoying this summer series.

JOIN US FOR A SUNSET VESPERS AND ICE CREAM SOCIAL at the Voth’s home on Sabbath, August 24, at 6:00 pm. If you are able to contribute toppings, cookies, or homemade ice cream, we invite you to sign up at the table in our foyer. We hope you’ll join us for this summertime TSDAC tradition!

WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS who are interested in helping at the breakfast bar on either the second or fifth Sabbath of each month. No rotating commitment is necessary! If you would like to help out (even just contributing one item on one Sabbath), please sign up at the table in the foyer.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TITHES AND OFFERINGS, you may do so in person by dropping your offering into the offering box in the foyer or placing your offering in a collection plate as you exit the sanctuary at the conclusion of the service. We also offer an online giving option via our church website. Thank you so much for your continued support of our church.

REMA ALAMEDDIN IS RECOVERING from a broken back after being hit by a car in Colorado. Please keep Rema and the Alameddin family in your prayers.

FRIENDSHIPS FOR HOPE is holding their annual rummage sale on September 1, 2, and 3, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. This sale benefits the Friendships for Hope’s mission of helping local refugees become self-sufficient contributing members of our community. Come check out the rummage sale at their community center located at 2701 E. 8th Street, National City, CA.