“TEEN SABBATH” is taking place this morning at 11:00 am in the youth room. If your teen is between the ages of 12-17, they are invited to come decorate gingerbread houses and exchange gifts.

JOIN US TONIGHT AT 6:00 PM for our final TSDAC Social Committee event of 2024—A Christmas party with holiday movies and snacks! We will be showing “It’s a Wonderful Life” in the fellowship hall for the adults, and “The Santa Clause” in the youth room for the children (or those young at heart). We invite you to bring one dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies to share.

HEARTS-TO-HEARTS’ ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER and ornament exchange is taking place this Monday, December 9, at 6:00 pm at the home of Penny Bock. All Church ladies are welcome to attend this festive tradition! Please contact Angela Carralero for more information and to RSVP.

OUR ANNUAL ADVENT VESPERS concludes this Friday evening at 6:15 pm in the sanctuary. Join us as we look forward to the birth of Jesus and all that entails. The short program will be followed by delicious refreshments in the fellowship hall.

JOIN US IN TWO WEEKS for our “Christmas Sabbath” service! This years’ service promises to be truly spectacular as we welcome over 70 musicians from the La Jolla Chamber Orchestra. The service will also feature music by our TSDAC Vocal Ensemble and a special performance by our children’s division. The festivities will begin at 9:30 am with a delicious Christmas breakfast served in the fellowship hall until 10:15 am. The worship service will begin at 11:00 am. There will be no Sabbath School classes that day.

CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY SHUT-INS are located in the left foyer alcove. If you would like to help brighten the spirits of those in our Church family who are unable to attend in-person services, we invite you to write them a Christmas card and place it in the basket. Cards will be delivered by Christmas.