JOIN US TONIGHT AT 5:30 PM, for a game night in the fellowship hall! This Social Committee event will feature bunco and other games, nachos, a bake sale, and a silent auction. Proceeds will help offset costs of future Social Committee events. So, bring your cash or checkbook and get ready for a great night of games, friendship, and food!

MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER REQUESTS (SECOND READING) have been made by the following individuals wishing to transfer their membership to our Church: Helen Liu and Andrew Phang from the Loma Linda Chinese Church. The following individuals wish to transfer their membership to the Kuna SDA Church in Kuna, Idaho: Jake Giddings, Lori Giddings, and Ryan Giddings.

“GALS DO LUNCH” IS RETURNING this Wednesday, February 28, at 11:30 am at Swami’s in Escondido. If fabulous food with other church gals sounds like yummy fun to you, make your reservation with Linda Krein at Please leave a message and Linda will give you details.

TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION RECEIPTS HAVE ARRIVED. If you need to pick yours up, please see Pastor Gary or our Church Treasurer, Colleen Larsen, after today’s service. If you would like a PDF of your receipt, please email

JOIN US ON SABBATH, MARCH 23, as ICantori of Walla Walla University blesses us during the worship service with music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Ugis Praulins, Cedric Dent, and more!

WE ARE LOOKING FOR USHERS who are willing to take up the offering (8 volunteers). Sign-ups are in the right foyer alcove.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER TO BE A GREETER in the foyer, we invite you to sign up in the right foyer alcove.