WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES on the philosophy of the Tierrasanta SDA Church. We began this series with an overview of the primacy of Scripture at our church, and followed that last week with the primacy of Jesus as He helps us interpret the Bible. Today we will look at the primacy of conscience as a guiding factor in how we all relate to each other.

THE MEMORIAL SERVICE and burial committal for Janice McMillan will be held this Wednesday, January 22, at Montecito Memorial Park & Mortuary in Loma Linda. The memorial service will begin at 10:00 am in the Cypress Chapel and the burial committal will follow. A reception will be held at the Mortuary from 12:00-2:00 pm. All are invited to come honor and celebrate Janice’s life.

OUR SWEET FRIEND AND CHURCH MEMBER, Carol Fredricksen, passed away on January 1, surrounded by her family. Carol’s positive outlook and supportive role is sorely missed at our church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Milton Fredricksen, last April. A memorial service for both Milt and Carol will be held in our sanctuary on Sunday, February 16, at 11:00 am.

WE EXPECT THE CHURCH CONFERENCE to have your 2024 tax-deductible contribution receipts available at the end of January or early February. We will notify you when they have arrived.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS to give the opening prayer or children’s story in 2025. Sign-ups are in the right foyer alcove.

RITCHIE CARBAJAL HAS FIVE WEEKLY bible study groups on Zoom. All are invited! Here are the two most popular: Fridays at 7:00 pm Zoom ID: 992871179, Passcode: bible, and Saturdays at 5:00 pm Zoom ID: 848 3040 2207, Passcode: LoveGod. For information on his other groups, text Ritchie at (760) 580-5878.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT to those affected by the California fires, visit www.AdventistGiving.org and select the “California Fires” fund (offering code 78102) or write “California Fires” on your tithe envelope.