WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES titled Jesus: Israel’s Teacher. As Christians, our marching orders come from Jesus of Nazareth. He is the interpreter of scripture, and our worldview should come from Him. Mentally and spiritually, He is the healthiest person in the Bible; therefore, He is the model for “spiritual” Israel. We hope you are enjoying this summer series.

JOIN US FOR “CHURCH IN THE PARK” next Sabbath, July 27, at Kate Sessions Park! Our worship service will begin at 10:30 am. Please wear comfortable clothes and bring your own chair. Those wishing to fellowship longer after the service may want to bring a picnic lunch. Please note: there will be no breakfast, Sabbath School, or church service at the TSDAC campus next Sabbath.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS who are interested in helping at the breakfast bar on either the second or fifth Sabbath of each month. No rotating commitment is necessary! If you would like to help out (even just contributing one item on one Sabbath), please contact Pastor Gary or sign up at the table in the foyer.

THE HEALING PRAYER LIST has started anew. If you would like to add a name to the list, please write it down in the right foyer alcove.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TITHES AND OFFERINGS, you may do so in person by dropping your offering into the offering box in the foyer or placing your offering in a collection plate as you exit the sanctuary at the conclusion of the service. We also offer an online giving option via our church website. Thank you so much for your continued support of our church.

DURING RATTLESNAKE SEASON, we sometimes have critters from the nearby canyon wander onto our campus looking for water. Please keep a close eye on your children and stick to the paved paths during these warmer months.

JANICE MCMILLAN HAS MOVED to a care facility in Redlands (Holiday Mission Commons). If you would like to write her a card, her address is: 10 Terracina Blvd. #113, Redlands, CA, 92373.