WE BEGIN A NEW SERMON SERIES TODAY titled Jesus: Israel’s Teacher. As Christians, our marching orders come from Jesus of Nazareth. He is the interpreter of scripture, and our worldview should come from Him. Mentally and spiritually, He is the healthiest person in the Bible; therefore, He is the model for “spiritual” Israel. We hope you enjoy this summer series.

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO PURCHASE PADRES TICKETS for our Church outing at Petco Park on September 8 at 1:10 pm. To purchase a ticket and reserve your spot, please fill out a sign-up slip, place it in a tithe envelope with your payment, and drop it into the offering box in the foyer.

A MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER REQUEST (FIRST READING) has been made by Justin Yan-Sing Seng who wishes to transfer his membership to our Church from the Loma Linda University Church.

MIDWEEK FELLOWSHIP is on its annual summer break and will resume its studies at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, September 3.

THE HEALING PRAYER LIST has started anew. If you would like to add a name to the list, please write it down in the right foyer alcove.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TITHES AND OFFERINGS, you may do so in person by dropping your offering into the offering box in the foyer or placing your offering in a collection plate as you exit the sanctuary at the conclusion of the service. We also offer an online giving option via our church website. Thank you so much for your continued support of our church.

JANICE MCMILLAN HAS MOVED to a care facility in Redlands (Holiday Mission Commons). If you would like to write her a card, her address is: 10 Terracina Blvd. #113, Redlands, CA, 92373.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS who are interested in helping at the breakfast bar on either the second or fifth Sabbath of each month. No rotating commitment is necessary! If you would like to help out, please contact Pastor Gary.