TODAY WE CELEBRATE OUR MERGER with the San Diego Chinese Adventist Fellowship! Everyone is invited to continue fellowshipping with one another while enjoying a potluck dinner in the fellowship hall following the worship service.
LAST SABBATH’S THANKSGIVING PIE FUNDRAISER was a huge success thanks to your generosity! Our Teen Sabbath Ministry raised $791.00, which will help support their monthly activities and future endeavors. The next “Teen Sabbath” is taking place on December 7. The group will have a Christmas party, exchange gifts, and decorate gingerbread houses. Please bring a pair of new socks to donate to charity. All teens ages 12-17 are welcome!
OUR SHELTER MINISTRY IS RAISING FUNDS to supply 12 families living in the shelter with Thanksgiving dinner. Each family’s dinner costs approximately $75. If you are able to adopt a family to feed for Thanksgiving, or if you are able to contribute any amount toward one of these dinners, we invite you to do so using your tithe envelope and marking “women’s shelter.”
ADVENT VESPERS IS RETURNING THIS SEASON on Friday evenings, December 6 and 13. If you would like to volunteer this year, we invite you to sign up in our foyer today.
OUR FORMER CUSTODIAN, ED HORN, passed away on Sunday, November 10. Right up to the end, Ed would watch our worship service every Sabbath, and enjoyed seeing on his computer screen friends sitting in the pews. Please keep the Horn family in your prayers as they navigate this loss.
RITCHIE CARBAJAL HAS FIVE WEEKLY bible study groups on Zoom. All are invited! Here are the two most popular: Fridays at 7pm Zoom ID: 992871179, Passcode: bible, and Saturdays at 5pm
Zoom ID: 848 3040 2207, Passcode: LoveGod. For info on his other groups, text Ritchie at (760) 580-5878.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TITHES AND OFFERINGS, you may do so in person by dropping your offering into the collection plate at the exit doors or online via our church website.