THANK YOU TO ALL WHO LOVINGLY donated to the Shelter Ministry this Thanksgiving season. Because of you, each family living in the South Bay Shelter received an abundant Thanksgiving dinner from Costco. Our Shelter Ministry continues into the Christmas season with more information being provided on our “Angels” in the coming weeks.

JOIN US NEXT SATURDAY EVENING for our final TSDAC Social Committee event of the year: Christmas movies and snacks in the Fellowship Hall! We will be showing “It’s a Wonderful Life” for the adults, and “The Santa Clause” for the children. You’re invited to bring 1 dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies to share!

THE NEXT “TEEN SABBATH” is taking place next Sabbath, December 7, at 11:00 am in the Youth Room. This teen group will have a Christmas party, exchange gifts, and decorate gingerbread houses. Please bring a pair of new socks to donate to charity. All teens ages 12-17 are welcome to join!

THE HEALING PRAYER LIST will start anew next Sabbath. If you would like to add a name to the list or keep a name on the list, please write it down on the clipboard in the right foyer alcove.

THE SEASON OF ADVENT is always a joyous time, as we look forward to the birth of Jesus and all that entails. We will be offering two Friday evening Advent Vespers in our sanctuary beginning this Friday, December 6 at 6:15 pm. The short program will be followed by refreshments in the fellowship hall. If you would like to participate in one of this year’s services, please sign up in our Church foyer. We hope you’ll be able to join us for this TSDAC tradition!

WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to fill a variety of roles each Sabbath including greeters, opening prayer and children’s story volunteers, and offering ushers. No rotating commitment is necessary! We invite you to sign up in the right foyer alcove.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE tithes and offerings, you may do so in person by dropping your offering into the collection plate at the exit doors or online via our church website.