TODAY, PASTOR GARY CONTINUES A FOUR-PART SERMON SERIES titled The Passion of Jesus Christ. This series is an examination of the final week of Christ’s life, beginning with what Christians call “Palm Sunday,” and culminating with the resurrection of Jesus. There are many lessons for us to learn from this most interesting week. Today is part 2 in the series.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS NEXT SABBATH to fill ALL positions including greeters, opening prayer, children’s story, and the call for offering. If you are able to volunteer (even just this once), we would be so grateful if you would sign up in the foyer alcove.

NEXT SABBATH we will celebrate a communion service. Feet washing will be in the fellowship hall from 10:30 am to 11:00 am.

THE BIANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE benefiting Friendships for Hope begins tomorrow and continues through Tuesday. It is open from  8 am to 4 pm each day and is held  in the Paradise Valley Community Services Building (2801 E 8th Street, National City).

OUR MIDWEEK FELLOWSHIP is currently in a series titled Adventism at a Crossroads. What is the future of the Adventist denomination? How did we get our fundamental beliefs? Why was Dr. Desmond Ford defrocked? Why are we growing so rapidly outside of North America? Does the Bible foretell the Adventist movement? We meet on Tuesdays at 6 pm in the Board Room.

THE NEXT MEETING OF THE SAN DIEGO ADVENTIST FORUM will be at 3 pm on Sabbath, April 20, at Paradise Village. Holocaust survivor, Rose Schindler, will share her story of survival and lessons learned. The meetings are free and open to everyone.

THE “SECRET FRIENDS” REVEAL LUNCHEON will be held on Sabbath, May 4, following the worship service.

PORTRAIT SESSIONS FOR OUR NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY will be held from May 13-16. If you attend our church regularly, we consider you part of our church family and want you included in our new directory! You may sign up either in the foyer after church or online at:

PINE SPRINGS RANCH SUMMER CAMP is the place to be! Your child will have tons of fun this summer while making new friends and learning more about Jesus. If the cost is holding you back, please pick up a scholarship form and contact our church office. Brochures are located in the foyer. Prices increase April 30 so register soon!


6th Bob Abbey                                                 Marla Melnick 10th

6th Paul Alba Sr.                                            Stanley Leland 10th

7th Carrie Bernardy                                           Gordon Rick 11th

7th Rhonda Padgett                                              Jon Garner 11th

7th Leah Arthur                                           Craig Balderson 11th

8th Kylie Claire                                          Dennis Arroyo III 11th

9th Robert Umbas                                          Maria Herrera 12th

10th Fritz Laue                                             Jeanne Johnson 12th