A MEMORIAL SERVICE for Dr. Milton and Carol Fredricksen will be held in our sanctuary tomorrow morning at 11 am. A reception in the fellowship hall will follow. We hope you will be able to come celebrate the incredible lives of Milt and Carol.
TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION RECEIPTS HAVE ARRIVED and may be picked up from the table in the foyer after today’s service. If you would like a PDF of your receipt, please email [email protected].
NEXT SABBATH’S WORSHIP SERVICE will feature Ritchie Carbajal performing on his keyboard to bring the message in music and the Word. The theme “Hidden in Plain Sight” will explore the depths of God’s saving grace woven throughout many of the very songs we sing. We hope you invite a friend and join us next Sabbath.
MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER REQUESTS (SECOND READING) have been made by the following individuals: James Duerksen wishes to transfer his membership to the Collegedale SDA Church, and Shania Shively wishes to transfer her membership to the Virginia Beach SDA Church.
WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS to be foyer greeters, give the opening prayer, and give the children’s story. No rotating volunteer commitment is necessary! Sign-ups are in the foyer.
RITCHIE CARBAJAL HAS FIVE WEEKLY bible study groups on Zoom. Here are the two most popular: Fridays at 7 pm Zoom ID: 992871179, Passcode: bible, and Saturdays at 5 pm Zoom ID: 848 3040 2207, Passcode: LoveGod. For info, text (760) 580-5878.
SAN DIEGO ACADEMY’S ALUMNNI WEEKEND begins on Friday, February 28, with a vespers at 7 pm. It continues Sabbath morning at 10 am with guest speaker Pastor Chris Morris and lunch will follow (scan QR code in foyer to RSVP). Alumni will take on the Cavaliers’ volleyball and basketball teams beginning at 6:30 pm that evening.
THE NEXT “TEEN SABBATH” is taking place at 11 am on Sabbath, March 1, in the Youth Room. Teens ages 12-17 are welcome!