WE HAVE JUST BEGUN A NEW SERMON SERIES on The Practical Religion of Jesus. The Gospels reveal a Jesus who primarily focused on practical behavior, and not on theoretical beliefs. His religion was relational, and we would do well to learn from him. We hope you are enjoying this series.

OUR SPECIAL MUSIC GUESTS, Kristen Kort and Stefan Wendel, first met in 2016 while performing in City Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker. Their mutual passion for making music and sharing it with others has led them to collaborate in multiple ventures and we are blessed to have them grace us with their talents this morning.

THE SOUTH BAY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTER is in need of the following items: cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, syrup, juice, pasta and sauce, canned soups, and ramen. If you are able to donate any of these items, please place them in the round barrel located in our Church foyer. Thank you so much for the year-round help you provide to these families.

THE SECRET FRIENDS REVEAL LUNCHEON will be held right after Church in the Fellowship Hall on Sabbath, August 19.

CORRECTION: Midweek Fellowship will continue taking a summer break until the first Tuesday of September.

THE HEALING PRAYER LIST has started anew. If you would like to add a name to the list, please write it down on the clipboard in the right foyer alcove.

THE 31ST STREET SDA CHURCH is holding a “Back 2 School” block party” from 1:00-5:00 pm on Sunday, August 14, at the 31st Street Church campus (414 S. 31st Street, San Diego, CA 92114).

RATTLESNAKE SEASON IS HERE. Please keep a close eye on your children and stick to the paved paths.