“TEEN SABBATH” is taking place today at 11:00 am in the Youth Room. This group will worship together before enjoying a potluck and heading to Annie’s Canyon for a hike. Teens ages 12-17 are welcome! The next “Teen Sabbath” will be on April 5.

TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION RECEIPTS HAVE ARRIVED and may be picked up from the table in the foyer after today’s service.

WE ARE HOLDING AN AUDIO/VISUAL TRAINING SESSION today after church for those wishing to learn the ins and outs of operating our new sound mixer. If you would like to get involved with the A/V ministry, please talk to Ritchie Carbajal or Molly McCary after today’s service. Lunch will be provided.

JOIN US ON MARCH 15 AT 6:00 PM for an entertaining evening with our very own…Ron Garrison! Come enjoy a haystack dinner while going “on safari” with Ron as he takes us on a photo tour featuring images he has captured from around the world. Ron’s impressive resume includes managing the Photographic Services Dept. at the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, authoring “Secrets of Zoo Photography,” and having his photographs published in coffee table books, children’s books, and international zoological scientific publications, to name a few. This event will also feature a silent auction. You won’t want to miss this special event!

THE COMMUNITY SERVICES MINISTRY will be holding a Spring Fundraiser Sale on Sunday, March 23, from 9 am – 3 pm. Funds raised will go toward purchasing flannel fabric for baby layettes, purchasing items like socks, diapers, onesies, towels and wash cloths, and repairing/servicing their sewing machines.

EARLY PURCHASE REQUIRED to lock in the $25 ticket price for our Church Social Event at the Padres game on Sunday, September 28. Tickets must be purchased on or before March 15.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE to Ritchie Carbajal’s upcoming mission trip to the Philippines, please visit his mission’s website: thecause.org/partners/berean-word-seekers. If you would like to donate in person today, please place your check/money in a tithe envelope and write “Ritchie’s Mission” on a blank line.