WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message. We hope you are enjoying this series.

MIDWEEK FELLOWSHIP is taking a break this week but will resume its studies at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, May 10.

HANNELORE DILL WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU for the outpouring of love you have given her in the wake of Will’s passing. Thank you for the cards, visits, phone calls, and other kind gestures you have shown to her in the recent weeks. Your love and support have meant so much during this difficult time.

MEMBERSHIP REQUESTS (SECOND READING) have been made by the following individuals: William and Jeananne O’Hara wish to transfer their membership to our church from the San Diego Clairemont SDA Church.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS to give the opening prayer and children’s story each Sabbath. If you would like to give back to our Church in this way, we invite you to sign up in our foyer.

OUR COMMUNITY SERVICES MINISTRY has started back up! The group meets each Tuesday morning from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm to make baby layettes for the newborns at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Mary Curtis at (858) 569-1413.

DUE TO THE RECENT HEAT WAVE, RATTLESNAKE SEASON has arrived early. Because our church property borders a canyon, these creatures often wander onto our campus. We ask that during these warmer months you keep an especially close eye on your children and stick to the paved paths.

OUR BREAKFAST BAR is open every Sabbath morning from 9:00-9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. We are still looking for volunteers to help out on the occasional 5th Sabbath of the month. If you would like to volunteer to be part of a breakfast team, please contact the church office at (858) 576-9990.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TITHES AND OFFERINGS, you may do so either in person or online by dropping your offering into the offering box in the foyer or visiting our church website and clicking “online giving” at the top of the page.