TODAY WE CONTINUE OUR SERMON SERIES on the topic of biblical inspiration and interpretation. Each of the books of the Bible is a separate document with a unique context. Is it any wonder that we detect differences between them and among them? Yet the Spirit of God can be detected in them also. How are we to relate to an ancient “holy” book in the modern age? Is there wisdom in the Bible that transcends time and place? We pray these messages are a blessing in your life.

THE SEASON OF ADVENT IS ALWAYS A JOYOUS TIME, as we look forward to the birth of Jesus and all that entails. We will be offering three Friday evening Advent Vespers in our sanctuary beginning this Friday, December 8 (December 8, 15, 22) at 6 pm. The short program will be followed by light refreshments in the fellowship hall. If you would like to participate in one of this year’s Advent Vespers services, please sign up in our Church foyer. We hope you will be able to join us for this annual TSDAC tradition!

JOIN US NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT for Christmas movies and snacks in the Fellowship Hall! We will be showing “It’s a Wonderful Life” for the adults, and “The Polar Express” for the children. Please bring 1 dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies to share!

THE HEALING PRAYER LIST has started anew. If you would like to add a name to the list, please write it down on the clipboard in the right foyer alcove.

THE TSDA CHURCH VOCAL ENSEMBLE has begun rehearsing for Christmas Sabbath. Rehearsals take place each Sabbath at 12:30 pm following the worship service. If you are interested in joining the Vocal Ensemble this season, please see Pastor Gary.

ESCONDIDO ADVENTIST ACADEMY will be hosting a “Night of Lights” on Saturday evening, December 16. This event will feature a walking tour of the story of Jesus’ birth. EAA is looking for volunteers to be part of the nativity, bake goods for the event, direct traffic, and help guide each walking group. If you would like to participate, please contact Nercy at (619) 453-1834.