WELCOME BACK! We’re delighted to see both new and familiar faces worshiping together once again inside our beautiful sanctuary. To ensure everyone’s continued safety during this time, we ask that you maintain a healthy distance from one another and refrain from hugging or shaking hands, if possible. Thank you for helping keep our Church Family’s health a priority.

MADONNA MARSHALL BENTZEIN passed away on Wednesday, July 14, at a skilled nursing facility in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Madonna was a member of our church family for nearly 25 years and was one of the brightest lights to ever grace our church. We are heartbroken by the news of her passing. We will keep you informed of memorial plans as they become available.

FOR SANITATION REASONS, WE HAVE TEMPORARILY PAUSED both the children’s offering and main offering segments of our service. If you would like to contribute tithes and offerings, you may still do so either in person or online. You may drop your offering into the offering box in the foyer or you can visit our church website (www.tsdachurch.org) and click “online giving” at the top of the page. Thank you for your continued support of our church during this challenging year.

A BELOVED MEMBER OF OUR CHURCH FAMILY, DR. JIM NELSON, passed away on June 25, at the age of 98. Jim and his wife Adele joined our church 25 years ago and were a delightful addition to our congregation. Please keep the Nelson family in your prayers as they navigate this difficult time. We will let you know of a memorial service as soon as the information becomes available.

WE ARE BLESSED AND FORTUNATE to have two new custodians serving our church campus. Wilson and Shirley Rivera and their daughter Gaby have been part of our church family for the past decade and have played an enthusiastic role in multiple church ministries over the years. We are grateful to have such a wonderful family taking care of our beloved campus.

WE ARE WANTING TO HOLD A MUSIC SERIES next year that will bring Christian groups and musicians to perform in concert in our sanctuary. To achieve this, we will need to raise a substantial amount. If you would like to donate to this endeavor, please mark your tithe envelope “music series” and drop it into the offering box in the foyer.