WE ARE CURRENTLY IN THE MIDST OF A SERMON SERIES on the most cringe-worthy stories in the Bible. This series is titled Disturbia. We hope you will continue to join us as we attempt to redeem these stories and give them some context.

THE NEXT MEETING OF THE TSDA CHURCH BOARD will be on Sunday, November 20, at 4 pm in the Church Board Room.

THANKSGIVING IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. Each year, our Shelter Ministry provides Thanksgiving food baskets purchased from Costco to each of the families living in the South Bay Shelter. If you would like to help provide a delicious Thanksgiving meal to one of these families, we invite you to donate to the Shelter Ministry using your tithe envelope.

OUR HEALING PRAYER LIST has started anew. If you would like to add a name to the list, please write it down in the foyer alcove.

PLEASE PARDON OUR DUST as upgrades are made to the cell towers on the education building. We ask that you keep a close eye on your children as this construction continues.

WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS to give the opening prayer and children’s story each Sabbath. We love seeing new faces on the pulpit and hope you will consider giving back to our Church in this way. We invite you to sign up in our foyer alcove.

KELLY HESTER’S SABBATH SCHOOL CLASS begins a new book this week titled “Changed Into His Likeness” by Watchman Nee.

OUR MIDWEEK FELLOWSHIP BIBLE STUDY GROUP is currently in the midst of a series looking at the great Old Testament Prophets. We meet on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Church Board Room. All are invited to attend.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TITHES AND OFFERINGS, you may do so either in person or online by dropping your offering into the offering box in the foyer or visiting our church website and clicking “online giving” at the top of the page.

OUR COMMUNITY SERVICES MINISTRY meets every Tuesday morning to make baby layettes for the newborns at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital. If you are interested in joining, please contact the Church office.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE Pastor Gary’s weekly emails, please email [email protected].