WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message. We… Continue Reading →
WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message…. Continue Reading →
HANNELORE DILL WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU for the outpouring of love you have given her in the wake of Will’s passing. Thank you for the cards, visits, phone calls, and other kind gestures you have shown to her in… Continue Reading →
WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message…. Continue Reading →
WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message…. Continue Reading →
WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message…. Continue Reading →
WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message…. Continue Reading →
WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A NEW SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message…. Continue Reading →
TODAY WE BEGIN A NEW SERMON SERIES titled “Unique Stories in John’s Gospel.” John’s stories about Jesus are quite different from those found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And those stories have a common and life-affirming message. We hope you… Continue Reading →
TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION RECEIPTS HAVE ARRIVED! You may pick yours up from the table in the foyer. THE NEXT MEETING of the Tierrasanta SDA Church Board will be tomorrow, March 6, at 4:00 pm in the Board Room. LOCAL NON-PROFIT, FRIENDSHIPS… Continue Reading →
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